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F-Secure Live Webcast: Attackers Get Personal

Attackers Get Personal: email, blackmail and how healthcare data became a prime target for cyber attacks

Highlights from the Threat Landscape – Christine Bejerasco
2020 was an unprecedented year. But did this reflect in the threat landscape? Christine takes a look at various areas that highlight some of the threats recently encountered.

Healthcare data under attack - Mikko Hyppönen
The healthcare industry’s outdated IT and security infrastructure has caught the attention of cyber criminals, right when we need it the most. Mikko will discuss what we can do to secure our most essential industry.

Thinking like an attacker - Tomi Tuominen
The different stages of a targeted attack keep evolving. Tomi offers the latest insight into how attackers think and how to make their life more difficult.


  • Milliste ohtudega peavad ettevõtted silmitsi seisma
  • Kuidas ohustavad küberkurjategijad tervishoiusektorit
  • Miks hea küberkaitse sõltub nõrkuste nägemisest ründajate vaatenurgast

Vaata salvestust siit: Live Webcast Recording